The show displays its ability to make us fall in love with these new characters and describe why their existence is important. The Bad Batch story arc consists of four episodes “The Bad Batch”, “A Distant Echo”, “On the Wings of Keeradaks”, and “Unfinished Business”. Rex, Anakin, and Obi-Wan as supporting characters but highlights new characters such as the Bad Batch squad.
For example, the first few episodes reintroduce us fan favorites such as Cpt. Each story arc is rather short lasting only a few episodes. This leads to accessibility for the general audience who may not have seen all or any of The Clone Wars’ previous seasons since the start of the six-year hiatus. This formula appears in the final season as well.
The show was developed as an anthology series, in the beginning. After a six-year hiatus, the Clone Wars will conclude with a final season.